The Light Novel Club

The Light Novel Club

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Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2024 Posted by: Stefankeys Posted on: Updated on: View: ? Views
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Synopsis The Light Novel Club

Ishikawa Isshin, a freshman at North High has decided to join his high school’s Light Novel Club, hoping to get some inspiration and quiet, to work on his novel for a light novel writing contest. Unfortunately for Isshin, the club’s non-talkative bibliophilic book girl and old-tech obsessed club president, Izumi, as well as other members of the school faculty are intent on getting in his way by dragging him off to participate in miscellaneous after-school club activities.  Will Isshin remain the reluctant member of the club and continue to regret his decision to have joined? Or will he come to love the club, and discover the true purpose of the Light Novel Club?



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