chapter two

It didn’t take him long to reach home if it could be called a home. even though he only had but the faintest glow of moonlight to guide him though the winding streets, with his legs feeling heavy at every step. It was a level of exhaustion that he wasn’t used to, it wasn’t the type of exhaustion one would get after spending great effort in a physical activity or the type of exhaustion one would get after trying to expand one’s mind. it was if he was to truly think about it, it was a tiredness of life, one you would get for existing for so long, he remembers the many elves he had meet during his travels some of them, the older ones had a term for such a thing.

“Elven Grief.“

Though this was a simplified translation of the term, as it was a rather difficult term to translate into the human tongue. As all the languages of man regardless of linguistical sophistication, didn’t have the words to describe or even articulate the powerful and extreme emotions the term carried. and why would it, the extremes that human felt pale in comparison to the extremes that elves felt. Tharos wondered if he was experiencing a similar phenomenon, there much about his current state he didn’t know about, aside from the loss of much of his former strength, and that he was bound to the city, both figuratively and literally. He couldn’t leave if we wanted to, anytime he tried to step out of the city gates, he would hit with an unbearable and crippling pain.

“There is still so much I don’t know.“

His face darkens as he let that statement set in, he soon found himself at his attended destination.
The building that was before him was a several-story tall building, with the mark of the massive eye carved into the stone with a massive walled courtyard in the back. Much like the temple it was well kept, as best as he could do. Given his limited knowledge with the more practical crafts. there was only so much one could learn from reading, as while reading could give one a rather broad understanding of a subject, there was something irreplaceable about having Practical experience, a level of nuance one couldn’t get from books, but from experiencing something first hand. As he pushed opened the main door and made his way to his room, he passed by the many rooms & corridors that filled this building the ever-present sound of faint whispers, and the pit and patter of Chisels on stone tablets echoed in his mind. Whenever Tharos would direct his attention to where the sounds were coming from all he found was nothing but empty hallways and rooms. the only thing breaking the silence was the sounds of his footsteps echoing though the empty rooms and halls or the sounds of his soft and slow breathing.
Tharos didn’t fully understand why this building was his home. But it was the only place in the city that felt most comfortable to him, as he climbed the stairs to reach his room. It was a large room, filled with ornate Furniture made from wood. Shelves full to the brim with books, scrolls and stone tablets. A massive bed, and in the corner, was a well-worn in chair and desk. As Tharos took off his armor, placed his weapons next to his bedside and slowly changed into his nighty robes. His full physique was on display for but a moment. His surprisingly broad shoulders and perfectly toned chest reflected someone of balanced humors, limber arms and legs where that was a swordsman, and reflected a swiftness of movement that would be awe inspiring. As Tharos sat down at his desk, what lay before him was a full map of the city. On the map itself were markings, writings of locations & movements. In his mind, he thought to himself.

“There was a pattern to these treasure hunters, they always came in from the south gate.” “They always camped near the temple and the sorcerer tower.”

“They may be using these locations as places of interest & landmarks, maybe I can use this to my advantage?”

“Make it easier to ambush them, yes.”

he thought to himself this plan should do well until he could come up with a more permanent solution. as he was working away, devising his next plan of attack. Tharos noticed next to him sitting on his desk was a rather voluptuous women with long curly hair that was sandy brown and wide hazel eyes. However, her hair was free flowing, and instead wearing a fine silk robe, she was wearing a more pain robe, though it seemed to accentuate her figure. watching Tharos as she dangled her legs over the desk while giving him a warm smile. Tharos liked her smile, but not as much as she liked his smile.
As Tharos reached out to touch her, the young woman in the blink of an eye was gone, Tharos then noticed the light of the new dawn greeting him as the sunlight pours into the room, and a feeling of warmth would spread throughout his body. He was unaware of how much time had passed, he wasn’t sure if he even got any rest or not. But the feeling of exhaustion was gone. This was something he would have to investigate more into later, but he had more pressing matters to deal with. It was now morning. Tharos would then continue to get dressed, in his usual attire, and head out to the palace, he had work to do. As he was about to leave the room, he would turn his head and look back at the desk. A rather somber look darkens his face.

“I broke my promise, Didn’t I.”

Tharos The eternal The fallen City

Tharos The eternal The fallen City

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
    follow in the adventures of Tharos the Zarbarian and his companions. As they travel though the land of Aria and the lands beyond.


  1. Stefankeys says:

    Any meaning behind the use of Skellington for Skeleton? Interesting choice. Not a big issue but some sentences lack capitalisation at the start. Do you avoid using a word-processor because the auto-correct/suggestions get in the way of writing?

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